Heating, Ventilation & A/C units can cause electrical fires too

Did you know that it’s possible for an Heating, Ventilation & A/C units to cause a fire? I saw this in a news report, and I was shocked to discover this information.

Until that point, I wouldn’t have believed something like this was possible.

Of course, I have heard of space heaters causing fires however not Heating, Ventilation & A/C units. And what was more surprising is that Heating, Ventilation & A/C fires are more usual than I expected. In fact, based on a study that I found, there are close to 3,000 Heating, Ventilation & A/C related fires each year. And some of these fires have led to tragedies and terrible injuries. Hence the reason why it’s so vital to get Heating, Ventilation & A/C units tested. While the Heating, Ventilation & A/C contractor can’t find every single issue, at least he/she can identify and repair problems before they become worse. During a repair call, an Heating, Ventilation & A/C contractor can disinfect the wires and the electrical components inside the heating and cooling unit. Over time, these units can accumulate dust and the wiring can also get corroded. So, the more often you repair the unit, the easier it would be for the tech to find and fix these pending problems. Aside from getting proper service, I can also do my part in making sure that my heating and cooling units don’t become a hazard. One of the most crucial things that I can do for my Heating, Ventilation & A/C equipment is to change the air filters respectfully. The recommendation is to change the filter every 90 days, however pets or other factors can shorten that time. The Heating, Ventilation & AC system is one of the most luxurious equipment in my house and blatantly it can be dangerous as well.

air conditioner

Proper service can increase the lifespan of a HVAC unit

My parents have lived in their house for over 28 years now.

And with any home, over time, things will depreciate and fall apart.

That’s especially true for the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C unit, which is one of the pieces of equipment that I use almost, if not every day. It helps to keep us comfortable while I spend time inside our homes. Well, for the 28 years they have been living in their home, they have never updated their Heating, Ventilation, and A/C unit and I was surprised to know that the equipment has not yet completely broken down. Based on my knowledge, most Heating, Ventilation and A/C units have an average lifespan of between 10 to 20 years, depending on the type of unit. If you own a heat pump, the life expectancy should be around 10 to 15 years and heaters will last up to 20 years. However, with proper maintenance, an Heating, Ventilation and A/C equipment can last longer than expected. And that’s why my parents Heating, Ventilation & A/C equipment has never broken down. Not only have they tested the equipment over the years, however they have also inspected it themselves. In addition, they have constantly changed their air filter within 60 to 90 days… Plus, they have gotten their HVAC duct cleaned and have installed a programmable control unit. All the maintenance and smart decisions have led to them keeping their Heating, Ventilation & A/C system in the best condition possible. My Heating, Ventilation & A/C equipment is only 6 years old, but I am going to take a page out of my parents’ book so that my heating and cooling unit can also outlast its lifespan. It’s the least I can do to protect the most used equipment in my home.


I can’t predict or change the weather

Now that the colder months are behind me, I was expecting a break from high energy bills.

Typically, during the Spring, the temperature is so lovely that I don’t use my Heating, Ventilation, and A/C for heating or cooling.

In fact, during this time of year, when I switch from heating to cooling, the equipment barely runs because the temperature is constantly so pleasant outside. But to my surprise, this year, the Spring has been hotter than normal, so my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system has been running more than expected. This means that I won’t see much of a difference in my cooling bill. There might be a slight decrease because it does require more energy to heat a house than it does to cool it down. In the winter season months, the Heating, Ventilation and A/C system is working harder than it does during the Summer. But I’m not sure what will happen this year, since the equipment is already running this early because of the higher temperature outside. Not only that, however during the Spring I usually get my Heating, Ventilation and A/C equipment tested to get ready for the warmer months. However, this year, I skipped that step because the warmer weather came on so rapidly. So, my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system instantly went from heating to cooling. I can’t predict or change the weather, I can only make adjustments inside my home to make it more comfortable. And if that means running my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system earlier than expected then so be it. Instead of getting my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system tested now, I will just make the adjustment plus get it tested later this year in the Fall, then life is unpredictable and I just need to go with the flow.


air conditioner service plan

I didn’t wake him to change the temperature settings

Due to the pandemic, I hadn’t seen my childhood neighbor Lizzo for about 2 years! Neither of us were traveling and then after the pandemic, life happened and we weren’t able to make time.

Well, recently, I opted to spend some time with her.

And especially because she had moved into her new townhouse right before the pandemic hit. So, it made sense for me to make the trip to see her current place. Her townhouse is great. It’s a 4-bedroom townhouse that has lots of bells and whistles. For the most part, everything went well when I visited except that the first night I couldn’t sleep. But, Lizzo had the control equipment for the air conditioner set higher than what I was used to at home. My ideal sleeping temperature is around 68 degrees and anything higher than that is too sizzling for me. So, the first night was restless and I wasn’t sure where the control equipment was in the townhouse. I didn’t want to wake anyone up, so I just did what I could to try to remain comfortable. The next afternoon, I asked her about the air conditioning plus she mentioned that she has her control equipment set to 72 degrees. It might not sound like a big difference, however blatantly, 4 degrees can make a difference in whether or not I get a nice night’s sleep. Because I was going to be there for several days, I asked Lizzo if she could adjust the control equipment to 68 degrees while I was there. Of course, she was delighted to do so, and I slept like a baby for the rest of my time there.

Help with indoor comfort

May is not the hottest month of the year

It’s that time of year again – prom and graduation season.

This means that all the teens who are of age are gleeful and busy getting ready for the festivities.

My kids aren’t old enough so gladly, I have several years before I will be walking down that path with them. Though my kids have no prom or graduations this year, I was invited to some graduations and of course, I didn’t make it to all of them. Thankfully, technology and live streaming became the next best thing. It’s not the same as being at the ceremony, however at least it gave a great solution because most graduations are held around the same dates. Anyway, I went to 2 graduation ceremonies this year. One was held inside an air conditioned stadium plus the other was held outdoors. Of course, the ceremony that was in the air conditioned stadium was a much more comfortable experience. The air conditioned stadium is a welcoming environment. The ceremony was at 3 in the afternoon and lasted for a little over 2 hours, so it would’ve been brutal if it was held outside. The outdoor ceremony began at 10 and thankfully, the weather was cool so there were no complaints. At first, I thought that was a late start for graduation, but then I understood that it would have been irritating to sit in the heat with no air conditioning. May is not the hottest month of the year, however I do have days where the temperature gets into the high 80s. So, I’m grateful that whoever planned these graduations was mindful of the comfort of all who were in attendance.


cooling expert

I was skeptical about portable air conditioners

I’ve been dreaming of purchasing a camper van for ages so that I could drive across the country.

This had been my dream even before I went to college, however it became one of those desires that got placed on the back burner.

Well, when the pandemic hit and I began working from home, I viewed it as a chance to buy my dream camper van that I wanted. So, after shopping around for six months, I found the perfect camper van with enough room for my pets. I made the purchase in late June, and I made my first trip in June. Well, as you already know, June is officially one of the hottest months of the year. And that Summer didn’t disappoint, in fact, I experienced some record tearing temperatures. Due to the high levels of heat, the air conditioner inside the camper van could not keep up, which resulted in some sleepless days. After chatting with some camper van owners that I met during our travels, I decided to take some of their suggestions, however one included purchasing a portable air conditioner for the camper van. I had never used a portable air conditioner before because 1) I never needed one and 2) I didn’t think that they worked well. Despite my skepticism, I went ahead and obtained one of the best portable air conditioners on the market. And to my surprise, the portable air conditioner became my saving grace. The equipment worked so well that I forgot that I was sleeping in an RV. Since then, I obtained another portable air conditioner for the RV and ever since, I have had the most comfortable experience while I cruise across the country.

air conditioner install

I forget how often I must get my air filters changed

Sunday afternoon is the day I usually just chill and move only when necessary.

  • That’s most days, however today I have a lot to do.

I have to mow the shrubbery, trim the bushes and disinfect the pool. I have been lazy about a lot of that and some other things I have to do. I don’t want to do anything, but the first thing I felt when I woke up was the amazing cool air in my place. I can’t believe it took me so long to buy and install a central air conditioner. All these years, even as a child I never had air conditioning so I never knew what it was like. I think today is going to be a tepid day so I step outside in my PJ’S plus oh boy, it’s like 95 outside. I don’t know how much I’ll do outdoors today although I know I will need lots of water and I’ll be hanging out in my cool house a lot. The only thing that worries me is that I forgot how often I have to get my air filters replaced or any sort of maintenance done to my Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system. I’ll have to call the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C company Monday to ask these questions. I know it’s important to keep up on the heating and cooling system so I don’t want to let breakdown because I didn’t take care of it. I can already tell that I’m going to have a difficult time doing any work today since the temperatures outside are just beyond anything I’d like. I have to cut the shrubbery at least.



New heating and cooling information

The solution is replacing or repairing the aging HVAC system

Have you ever received a call from someone and they just complain? They complain about everything and they just keep on talking.

I’ve had a pal named Tina and all she does is call me about her guy, or her TV isn’t working, or whatever.

It’s kind of annoying. I have been friends with her for about 22 years now so I have my problems, but I feel she blows up her problems to make them sound much worse than they are. Recently, she has been complaining about her Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system. I’ve been in her house and I have told her countless times that she will need to update her heating and cooling system however you know what she did, she complained about something else. Tina will change the subject when she doesn’t want to face the issue. She’d love for someone to take care of the issue so she can just prefer her day doing whatever she is doing. Tina doesn’t want to tell her that she might have an issue with complaining, however she does. This is why she has had a new guy every year or two. Her Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system is so old and she needs to get on the phone with the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C company to either somehow get some repairs done or buy a completely current Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system. I know what she does for a living and Tina makes nice money so she has no excuse at all to not get it updated. I just hope eventually she will have a different mental viewpoint on things.


Space heater for sale

I hit rough patches when writing HVAC articles

It’s coming to an end, and I believe at times I’m running out of energy.

With my current job, I’ve been working a ton.

I still love writing and I know I can accomplish it, but Summer work is cramping my style. Just a dozen more stories to write and I can have it done; Writing about Heating, Ventilation and A/C, heating and cooling, air conditioner, heaters, fireplaces, and whatever about the list of items I have can be absolutely entertaining. I read some other articles and stories and found some other people writing fascinating stuff. Most of my stuff is just random memory thoughts. I can stare at my Beetlejuice poster and make a story about how he needed help from the air conditioner to say his name three times. It’s just random stuff and I love it. I remember some of my earlier stuff. I wrote about triplets running a Heating, Ventilation,and A/C company or R2D2 being a portable air conditioner unit. That one was my number one one to write. I take my article writing seriously, but I also have a lot of fun with it. There are times I’ll run into rough patches and struggle with what to say or write. I feel that is usual with everything in life plus that is ok. I know I will hit a point where my head is staring at the computer screen too much. There are times when I’m overthinking it when it can just be so easy to do. Writing articles or stories about heating and cooling is absolutely easy and I know I should never stress over it. By the way, go update your Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system.



ductless mini split

Are you sure it’s the HVAC technician?

My son called me at work and told me the HVAC technician was on the porch.

I had told him not to let anyone in the house unless it was a family member.

He wouldn’t even let my best friend in, because I said no one but a family member, and it had to be someone who lived in the house. I asked if he was sure it was the HVAC technician? He said he was sure, but I told him no one could come in the house. I was proud of him, but I had to have the air conditioner inspected. I didn’t think the HVAC technician would be there before I got home, but just because he was early wasn’t a reason to send him away. I told my son to open the door, but make sure the screen door was locked first. He should then tell the HVAC tech to go around back where the air conditioning unit was. He could put the bill inside the screen door. An hour later, he called and said the HVAC technician needed to talk to me. He handed the phone out the window and dropped it into the HVAC technician’s hand. The HVAC technician said he had run into a few problems, and he had to get my okay to go ahead with the repairs. He gave him my consent, and asked him to give the phone back to my son. He said he couldn’t reach him, and put the phone on speaker. I told my son to open the door and take the phone. The HVAC technician was still working when I got home from work an hour later.
Heating and air conditioning products

I thought the cat was in the air vent.

I was ready to tear the air vents apart last week.

I kept hearing a cat in the air vent.

It wasn’t constant, but it was often. I checked the kitchen air vent, but I couldn’t see anything. An hour later, I was cleaning my bedroom, and the sound of a cat’s meow was echoing through the air vent again. It sounded like the cat was getting deeper into the ductwork, and I didn’t know where it would end up. The cat was my daughter’s, and she loved that little monster. If something happened to it, she would never forgive me. I walked into the bathroom, and I heard the cat again. I couldn’t figure out how the cat got into the ductwork, but I was certain that is what was going on. I called the HVAC company and told them I had a cat in my ductwork. I wanted it taken out, but I didn’t want it injured. It took them an hour to get the HVAC technician to the house. When he arrived, I had him stand by the air vent until we heard the sound again. He looked puzzled. He said he heard the cat, but he couldn’t believe it. He was opening all the air vents and putting food in front of them, to lure the cat out of the ductwork. We got to the last air vent in the living room, and the HVAC tech quietly called me over. He found my son’s walkie talkie inside, and it was turned on. I silently went up to his bedroom. He had his walkie talkie on and he was trying to get the cat to meow, and my daughter was giggling.



Rooftop HVAC

I was sure the HVAC tech was a football player.

One of my favorite pastimes is watching Sunday football. I curl up on the couch with my husband and watch football with him. Being an ex cheerleader in high school, college, and professional football for a year, I knew a lot about sports. I met my husband when he was playing with the same team I was cheering for. I quit cheering when I got pregnant right after we got married. He didn’t play ball for long, but it didn’t stop us from watching football. One afternoon, my air conditioner quit working. I called the local HVAC company and asked if they could send an HVAC technician over as soon as possible. My husband was bringing over a couple of football buddies for a BBQ. When the HVAC technician arrived, I kept staring at him. I knew I knew him from somewhere. I was going to ask him if we had met, but I wanted the air conditioning fixed more than I wanted to know who he was. My husband came into the kitchen and noticed the HVAC technician was there. He looked outside, and I asked if he didn’t think he was a football player. I didn’t even get the thought voiced when my husband was outside shaking the guy’s hand. They had played college football together. They talked about football, and when the air conditioning unit was repaired, he stuck around for the BBQ and a day of reminiscing. An hour later, the HVAC tech’s wife showed up with street clothing, and stayed to spend the day with the rest of us wives.
Heating contractor