Tenant neglects the Heating and Air Conditioning system

This only happens when the line is congested because the filter hasn’t been changed properly

I have multiple properties that I own plus rent out to students or small families in the area. It is a nice way to make a little bit of extra money each month on top of what I make at my other job. I normally plus honestly trusting on my renters plus don’t do a credit or background check, however after an experience I had with a current renter I am going to start immediately. I have a young girl residing in one of my small houses plus she seems like a nice normal girl. However, she has completely destroyed the heating plus cooling system in my house. I went over to look at her washer plus dryer last week when I noticed that the a/c filter hadn’t been changed. I asked her how often she was changing the filters plus she just looked at me like a deer in the headlights. I knew that she had never changed the filter on the a/c plus I was immediately nervous. When I opened up the Heating and Air Conditioning closet I saw a big puddle of water on the floor. This only happens when the line is congested because the filter hasn’t been changed properly. I tried to be nice plus explain to her what happened, although she started to get genuinely defensive with me! She got genuinely angry plus said she was going to sue me for blaming it on her… Right then I knew that this wasn’t going to work out plus she needed to move out immediately.


Tenant neglects the Heating and Air Conditioning system