Mold in my apartment

For the past couple of months I have been feeling sick in addition to I have not been able to figure out why.

I first thought it was just a cold, but after a week or so I realized that wasn’t it.

I finally broke down in addition to went to the healthcare expert. I entirely don’t like to go to the healthcare expert, however I thought it was about time that I started to feel better… My healthcare expert told me that I just had dust irritations in addition to told me to take some over the counter medicine. I was exasperated that I paid to go to the healthcare expert for that, however I got the medicine. After another week, I still wasn’t feeling any better in addition to I couldn’t figure it out. One afternoon I was digging in my closet in addition to I noticed that a pair of my shoes had mold on them. I starting looking around in addition to there was more in addition to more mold. I looked in my Heating and A/C closet in addition to there was mold there too. I called my local Heating and A/C supplier instantly in a major panic in addition to they said I could have water in my drain line. The next afternoon, the Heating and A/C worker was looking at my air conditioning in addition to he said that because I had water in the drain line, moisture was getting back into the air in addition to creating mold. I am going to have to replace all my ductwork now because they are also covered in mold. I entirely wish I would have figured this out before it became a bigger problem!


ductwork cleaning