I absolutely do like the idea of a heating plus cooling system keeping the place less germy
Is your healthcare worker’s office similar to mine? I have noticed that every single guy at the healthcare worker’s office wears a jacket. I find it absolutely weird that the healthcare worker insists on having his AC control device set so low that almost everyone is cold. I asked him about it the last time I was there, because I thought he could perhaps help the environment by running his AC system a little more efficiently. He could turn the control device up a few degrees, his patients plus employees would be more comfortable, plus he would be saving money and helping the planet. He kind of chuckled at me plus asked me if I remembered basic biology from high university. Well, the fact of the matter is, I rarely paid attention in math classes in university. That’s when he told me that bacteria plus viruses, for the most part, thrive on hot humid places. In other words, the more he uses his a/c, the less likely it is for me to get sick from the kid across the way who is coughing plus hacking into the air. That is when I decided that his employees will just have to be uncomfortable plus wear jackets. I absolutely do like the idea of a heating plus cooling system keeping the place less germy. In fact, I love that idea! I often carry a jacket in my car so that I can accommodate for extra a/c no matter where I’m going… Oh, plus I will just have to remember that the AC control device is likely to be set pretty low at my healthcare worker’s office so I should go ahead plus bring a jacket. I don’t want to wear long sleeves or heavy clothes when I go there, though, because let’sface it that guy makes me get on the scale! He did tell me that when he goes dwelling at night he does adjust the AC control device to a higher setting so it will run less.