I found the best cabin approximately 5 years ago, it was on the lake so I had great views at night and also got to see the sunset over the water… The lake is that large, kind of if you looked out into an ocean and saw nothing however water; My backyard is pretty pressing and the teenagers have plenty of space to do whatever interest they want to do.
My fiance has his garden back there as well which is fenced off. I feel that I made out pretty well with life so this could be the last cabin I will ever buy and this is where my fiance and I will retire. It’s great and the neighbors are amazing as well. My pal and I have two, both great guys and both have appealing houses and great careers, and one is a healthcare worker and the other is an Heating, Ventilation, and A/C tech. This isn’t any mediocre heating and cooling expert though, and he owns his own business however enjoys the task of getting out in the field and helping people with their Heating, Ventilation, and A/C systems. He is a pretty great guy who has helped my family a few times as well. The healthcare worker and well as I own my own construction business so we all help each other when we have questions and such, and during the warmer weather, we will hang out in the evening, seeing the sunset and just relaxing. I have great neighbors and I got lucky, harshly lucky in life to have this in my life. I know I can count on them if I need anything and they easily can count on me as well.