The HVAC company also offers plumbing and electrical services

This means he doesn’t have to hire different businesses to handle HVAC, plumbing and electrical repairs in his new lake house

Dad called with excellent news late last year. He was moving away. I was shocked because this was so sudden. But, I knew all would be well after he explained. Ever since I was a kid, my dad has wanted to relocate and live in a lake house. His grandpa owned one and dad would tell us the sweetest stories about the summer holidays he spent there. My grandparents preferred living in the city which is where my dad was born and has lived most of his life. Eventually, it came time for a change and he found the best place to relocate to. It’s this amazing up and coming lake community two states away. When I went to visit him early this year, I understood why my dad had thought this was the best place to live. The new lake houses came with a good plot of land and access to the lake. Dad had to call an HVAC company though to come do HVAC installation in the lake house. This was important to do since this area gets frigidly cold in winter so he has to have a working furnace set up. Dad told me the HVAC company he hired for the job also does plumbing and electrical work. This means he doesn’t have to hire different businesses to handle HVAC, plumbing and electrical repairs in his new lake house. All dad does is call up the HVAC company and state the service he needs. On top of that, he’s also gotten a good service agreement which I believe will be quite beneficial.


Heating and cooling equipment