Heating & A/C professional is an expert

I can typically tell when someone is an expert in their field, then i know because when I ask questions, they answer flawlessly, and they are able to make their way around their machines as if they were born to do it, however the example I am thinking of is the Heating & A/C professional that comes and does our Heating & A/C service every year, but my good friend and I have a Heating & A/C tune up in the Spring and the fall, right before the harsh seasons; Out of curiosity, and slightly because I wanted to test this heating and cooling specialist, when he first arrived at our home, I asked him some cooling system questions, some difficult, and some easy, then he answered them immediately and was respected every time, I was impressed.

Now, why would I bother asking a Heating & A/C worker these questions, I mean, they are a heating and cooling system worker, so they should know what they’re doing right? Well, not typically.

I have in the past had heating and cooling system specialists that would come to my home, and they would have no idea what they’re doing. I would watch them from my window work on the central cooling system, and some of these cooling “professionals” would be poking at the cooling component like it was a foreign object! Shaking my head, I made sure to start asking questions to the cooling techs at the start. I want an actual certified cooling serviceman. Thankfully, like my current cooling system serviceman, there are some fantastic cooling professionals that know what they’re doing.


furnace/heater installation