I need to get outside because I’ve been in the flat all afternoon, and it’s now half past one o’clock in the afternoon, and I feel like a caged animal that wants to run.
This time, instead of riding the bike, I’ll take a long walk to the end of the world and back so that when it’s time to sleep in the evening, my legs won’t be as tense as they have been from not walking.
I’ve been sick with the flu for a week and haven’t been working out as much as I usually do. My geo heat pump did arrive last evening, so it’s not all bad news because I’ll have heat in this flat again after it’s installed. I’ll rest for a few more afternoons first, though, because I’m still tired and don’t want to overdo it and get sick again. My air quality system is doing a good job of filtering out all of the germs in the flat, and I just cleaned the HEPA filter last night, so everything should be back to normal here soon. I kept all of the windows closed in the flat for a week because I didn’t want any dust to get in and aggravate my dust allergies, which would be bad for getting rid of the flu. I’ll hire a heat pump installation technician to assist me next week, and then my good friend and I should be back in this flat. I can’t wait to finally enjoy the warmth and comfort of my newly installed geo heat pump and share this cozy flat with my good friend once again.
Heating and cooling service