Four new air conditioning businesses

I haven’t gone outside yet because it started raining about an hour ago when I was about to leave.

I’ll write a few more of these stories before going for a long walk with my good friend with my umbrella if it’s still raining.

I need to get some exercise because trying to sleep in the evening after not exercising for several afternoons is proving difficult because my legs keep twitching and I keep tossing and turning. I suppose an hour walk should solve that problem, and this local contractor is just far enough away from where I live to walk there and visit an elderly friend. I’ll try to get some exercise later when the rain has stopped, but having the flu for the past week has left me with little energy to do anything. My dear HEPA filter salesman told me that this is a cleansing and that I needed to get sick in order to shed the old me and make way for a new one. I simply want to resume playing music in our band, as my good friend and I used to do on a regular basis, and to get back on track with writing new songs. I am an air conditioning expert, but I can’t do much with my current condition, so I will rest a few more afternoons and should be ready to work for the new contractor and resume life as I know it. I am thankful that my body has healed me from this terrible cold and that my immune system is still strong.


Air conditioning repair service