My uncle, like the cooling specialist he is, hoped that I would be interested enough to join him soon, so I was tied up to join the cooling technology replacement team that would install one of the electric weather conditions control unit for a client’s home
When I finished high school, I had no idea what to do with my life while everyone rushed off for college elsewhere; I was not happy about the next chapter of my life and missed my college applications! My dad recommended I take a gap year while assisting at my uncle’s Heating & Air Conditioning business. It sounded like a fantastic plan since I wouldn’t have to struggle with applications, even though I was not as invested in Heating & Air Conditioning replacement and anything related to cooling systems. I had spent most of my teen years avoiding the cooling corporation when all my cousins took cooling unit sale tasks, however this time, I was open to toiling alongside their cooling supplier team and learning what I could, but hopefully, I will discover my passion and what to study! On my first day, they brought in an electric heat pump that had gone out of stock because it was in high demand. I had never seen one of those and was fascinated by how it works. My uncle, like the cooling specialist he is, hoped that I would be interested enough to join him soon, so I was tied up to join the cooling technology replacement team that would install one of the electric weather conditions control unit for a client’s home. It was an interesting enough quality AC maintenance assignment, and learning multiple things while getting a option to see what the suppliers do was enough to keep me interested. My uncle’s business as the oldest and most preferred local maintenance provider meant that my friend and I were always tied up solving an Heating & Air Conditioning issue or another to help with indoor comfort, but that gap year experience is why I signed up at the local technical college and began my journey as a qualified Heating & Air Conditioning supplier.