Lots of travel and too much climate control are a risk to my health now

I travel a lot, to different states, at times, countries.

Both at home and away from home, I always prefer to be somewhere I can easily access AC at home and away from home.

It is a habit that grew on me over the years, and I haven’t been able to shake it off easily. It took me a while to figure out why I kept suffering from allergy-like symptoms, so often I assumed it was because my body takes a while to adjust to these new places I visit. The fact that the weather patterns were also irregular did not make it any easier. So when I shared my concern with my doctor, we brainstormed about several potential causes, and one thing stood out from the list – climate control. It is something I mentioned in passing, but it piqued his interest, and so he tried to relate it to my habit of always seeking cooling spots or an efficient electric heat pump fixed somewhere. Since I know my way around most places, I do not always seek help with indoor comfort, but it becomes a challenge when in public places. Anyway, it turned out my wheezing and coughs stem from spending too much time obsessing about getting quality air from cooling technology. Now that the problem was identified and a remedy issued, I created time to seek the opinion of a cooling specialist. I am familiar with many cooling equipment and quite friendly with our local service provider. So, I made an effort to hear it from his point of view as an HVAC business owner, and later, I sought the opinion of a private cooling technician. The bottom line is that once HVAC installation is done and quality AC service takes place, we shouldn’t have respiratory issues unless the cooling corporation or an HVAC contractor assigned to the job isn’t doing a proper maintenance job.

air conditioner