I was unable to leave the dwelling or even scrub my own hair.
I devote approximately one hour per afternoon to working out. My exercise sessions include a diversity of activities, including skipping rope, running, cycling, abdominal crunches, lunges, squats plus weight-lifting. I rarely miss an afternoon. Whether I’m tired, busy or suffering from aching muscles, I take time out of my afternoon to devote to physical fitness. I have worked out when I’ve had a fever, a headache or felt congested. Due to a very hectic schedule, I’ve completed workouts before the sunshine is up plus well after the sun has long set, then because I make fitness a priority, I feel strong plus healthy. I sometimes push my body well beyond what is safe or healthy; Last June, I decided to renovate one of the family rooms in the house. I tore out the ancient plaster walls plus ceilings plus took the room down to the bare studs. I installed modern windows, more modern wiring plus added insulation. I then began installing modern drywall on the ceiling. I am a person in my late fifties, right around five feet tall plus about 120 pounds. Handling the bulky, heavy sheets of drywall is quite taxing for me, but although I split the sheets in half, hauling them up the stepladder plus screwing them to the ceiling was a challenge. I needed to use the top of my head plus my hands to hold the sheet in venue while I operated the cordless drill with my right hand. The task was so painful although I refused to provide up. That evening, I was in such grueling pain that I could only lie completely flat on the couch. I eventually figured out that I’d torn my trapezius muscle. The upper side of my back was swelling plus turning purple, however for three weeks, I couldn’t get off the couch. I was unable to leave the dwelling or even scrub my own hair. There was no option of working out. When I could finally move freely around again, I was limited to riding the stationary bike with no resistance. I could only ride for 10 or fifteen minutes.