I’m having having a baby in a few weeks

I’m going to be having a baby in a few weeks, so we really need to get our furnace fixed! My husband and I are expecting our first baby, and I am just a little bit more nervous about it than he is. I think that’s usually the case, seeing as I’m the one who has to give birth! However, my husband just does not seem to be as concerned about getting the house ready for the baby as I am. It is really starting to make me mad if you want to know the truth. I keep telling him that we need to get the furnace fixed, but he just keeps putting it off. The baby is going to be here before we know it. Heaven forbid it comes early, because we do not have a working furnace and the weather is cooling off more and more as we speak. I am beginning to wonder i if my husband is in denial or something. Maybe he is just scared of having this baby and he thinks that once he gets the furnace fixed, there is nothing else standing in between him and fatherhood. I don’t know what the issue is, but if my husband doesn’t do it pretty soon, I’m just going to end up doing it myself. If that is the case, I’m going to be really annoyed. I feel like I have already done the vast majority of the work around here in order to get ready for the baby as it is. I’m really tired at this point and I don’t want to have to do anything else, even if that means calling the HVAC technician to make an appointment for a heating repair. I just want my husband to pitch in and get some stuff done.



hvac worker