When our local heating, ventilation plus A/C corporation couldn’t find the time to come to the house and repair our air conditioner unit, I thought it was time to call the current heating, ventilation plus A/C corporation in our area. I called several times before someone answered the cellphone. They apologized for not answering, however she had been getting cell phone calls all day, and couldn’t keep up with them, however she took our name and cell phone number, and said she would have someone call me back, because she was just the receptionist. It was a Wednesday day, and I was sure I had called early enough, but they were already busy. An hour later, the dispatcher of the current heating, ventilation plus A/C corporation called me back. He asked if there was a problem or if I just needed an inspection. Once I told him I just needed our air conditioner unit worked on, he took down the pertinent information and provided a date and time. After the inspection was done, I felt love. I had just breathed a breath of fresh air. The heating, ventilation plus A/C professional was late, but our appointment was in the day. He did an excellent job with the air conditioner unit, and even talked to me about purchasing a repair agreement from them. They provided a much better repair than our local heating, ventilation plus A/C dealer, and they were much friendlier. I feel our ancient heating, ventilation plus A/C corporation is finally going to have some real competition. Later that week, I was talking to our friend and best friend. They had also had some labor done by the current heating, ventilation plus A/C dealer. We all agreed my good friend and I were going to continue using the current corporation and purchasing their maintenance agreements.