It’s time for me to change our air filters, as my other filters I have to change every month.
I feel that most people only have to change their filters every 3 months, however I have to change our air filter every month because of how dirty it is.
I started using HEPA filters because I have noticed that it has increased our air quality significantly. Ever since I saw our air quality improve, I have wanted to continue to have a better life by continuing to use HEPA filters. I can’t believe I used disposable air filters for so long when HEPA filters are apparently the superior choice. There was only one problem, right when I really needed them the AC dealer ran out of them. I have gotten used to buying them every month, and I should have bought two of them because I was making a mistake only buying one at a time when I needed it. Well something that was superb happened, those HEPA filters went on sale. The concern was that because they went on sale everybody was scrambling to get some, and there were people fighting over the filters. Unfortunately for myself and others I was one of the last people to make it to the heating and AC store, and so I was unable to get my hands on one of those, however I still really needed a filter. I was going to continue to look elsewhere to see if I can try to find one. And after searching three more heating and AC dealers I finally found one!