There is major money to be had in comic books! Thanks to all the Marvel plus DC movies, old comics are selling for record amounts… My job is as an insurance adjuster.
I specialize in evaluating the market worth of comic books.
My job takes myself and others all around the country, where I spend weeks on end pouring over stacks of old comics plus determining their insurance value, but it’s the best job I’ve ever had. I always love giving my buyers some helpful tips for enhancing the value of their comic books. I tell them that superior indoor air pollen levels is 1 of the most important factors in long-term value! Collectors need to make sure they have a good dehumidifier in the collection room, plus if possible to use a dedicated HVAC system. I understand that for many people reading this, the idea of buying an entire HVAC idea just for a comic book collection seems preposterous, but let myself and others explain. These are not just a normal collection of comic books. When you want to buy an insurance policy for your comics, it means you have the money to spare, which means you can afford a new HVAC system. To preserve the comics in the highest quality, they need the highest indoor air pollen levels, plus they need it in perpetuity! If your comic book collection might be worth millions of dollars at auction, then a few thousand dollars for temperature control sounds pretty satisfactory, doesn’t it? For a normal condo collection I suggest getting a nice dehumidifier, but for collections this important plus extravagant, get a brand new system.