We spent several nights sitting in front of the brick fireplace wrapped in a blanket because our heating system couldn’t keep the house warm enough.
It was in the negative temps in the middle of the day, so I swore Pat pal and I had nearly as much wind in the house as my pal and I had outside.
My partner Pat said it was the wind coming down the fireplace chimney in addition to having nothing to do with a lack of insulation. Pat had the insulation took care of before window, in addition to it was fine. I had to be grateful that Pat and I had a fireplace to back up the heat of the heating system, but even that was having a hard time putting out proper heat. I turned on the cable TV in addition to started enjoying a film when our partner came in in addition to picked up our feet. Pat put the blanket up around his neck in addition to said he was cold. After shaking our head, I told Pat he could have gotten his own blanket, even though he said mine would do. Pat and I started talking about all the times my pal and I sat in front of the fireplace drinking red wine. Pat had specials woods to put in the fireplace to make the room smell very nice, in addition to it was some certainly nice memories. When the winter weather broke, in addition to the heating system could keep up with the cold in addition to wind, Pat was going to put the fireplace out. I asked why Pat was in such a hurry. It would soon be Valentine’s Day in addition to Pat and I could make more memories in front of the fireplace. I wanted to tell Pat he was going to be a father on Valentine’s Day, in addition to the fireplace would make for a nice, cozy locale to cut the news to him.