Last week, our heating system ran poorly. In addition to that, it ran for quite some time. This week, I had to call the Heating, Ventilation and A/C team because it had quit working. I didn’t know that the heating system broke right when the winds were gusting up to 60 MPH. In addition to that, the temperature was -6 degrees without a windchill. With the wind chill factor, the weather guy said it felt like -30 degrees in some areas, in addition to ours was 1 of them. There was no way my pal Luke and I could survive multiple nights of these brutal hot in addition to cold temperatures if Luke and I didn’t have the heating system to keep us warm. Luke wasn’t nervous about pipes cold because they were wrapped in heat tape, in addition to being buried underground, although I was nervous about me cold. I was also praying that they wouldn’t say I needed a new heating system when the Heating, Ventilation and A/C expert finally arrived. It took them multiple hours to arrive. The kids in addition to I were dressed enjoy my pal and I were in the Arctic… Luke and I were huddled under blankets with an electric oil furnace I found up in the attic! No sooner did the Heating, Ventilation and A/C show up in addition to fixing the heating system, but the power went out. The day was getting worse, in addition to the cold getting colder. It was supposed to be -22 degrees that night, but at least the wind was supposed to wind down a little. I wasn’t cheerful with the weather forecast, however our space oil furnace was all electric, in addition to our partner told me to pack a bag. Luke and I were going to a luxury family resort for the next multiple nights, in addition to that, we would pamper ourselves with a lot of heat.