I do my best to be neighborly to those in my community.
When you’re a native of this area, there are some things that you can share to help out the newcomers, but now, I’ve also had current neighbors that wanted none of my help and that’s fine.
But I’ve also seen those same people load up the moving truck and head back where they came from after one summer. For some, this region is just too tepid in the Summer no matter the amount of air conditioner. These folks come down here thinking that we have perfect weather all the time. We do have near perfect weather for 8 months of the year. But from July through September, the heat and humidity can be overwhelming. I am from here and suppose nothing but this type of weather and it can be a bit much for me come November. But one of the things I try to relate to newcomers is a regular sense approach to air conditioner. I often hear folks that are current to the area complain about how much they are spending on air conditioner. For sure, separate from some type of proposal to moderate the thermostat setting, all that air conditioner can get genuinely costly, genuinely fast. I always request a regular sense approach that starts with leaving the air conditioner off in the Springtime, most people reach for the thermostat once the temperatures are in the mid eighties. I suggest waiting as long as possible before leaving the air conditioner on. I tried to get into May before the air conditioner stays on. After that, I make sure that the thermostat is never more than 15 degrees lower than the hottest temperature outside.