I was upstairs taking care of the baby while the Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation was working on my gas furnace! Once I got the bay settled down, I went downstairs to check on the Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation. I could hear him working in the gas furnace room, however I didn’t see him, and after half an hour, the noise downstairs quit, but he wasn’t coming upstairs. I went to the door to check on him, however I couldn’t see him somewhere. I decided to go into the basement, as well as wished I hadn’t. The Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation was sitting in the corner, knocked out cold. I tried to rouse him, but he wasn’t budging. He was breathing, but he had a gash on his head. I called the Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation, who called an ambulance. The owner of the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier showed up first, as well as said it looked prefer he went to stand up as well as hit his head o n the ductwork. I still had metal ductwork in my basement, as well as there were some sharp edges. He had a pressing gash on his temple that chop the skin from his eye to his ear. I felt guilty, but the owner of the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier told me it happened sometimes. It was a danger that came with the work. Once the ambulance showed up as well as took the Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation away, the owner of the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier called a professional cleaning supplier to wash up the mess in the basement. He didn’t want me to wash up the blood.I felt terrible about the Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation being disfigured, however I was grateful to have the professional cleaners cleaning up the blood. It was making me sick.