This was actually the best Christmas I’ve had since I’ve been married, however and frankly, it might be on the list for best Christmas ever! The key reason for that was I was in a locale where I could control the temperature control setting.
Normally, plus for the last 15 years, our partner plus I venture north to her parent’s locale for the holidays, and while our partner’s parents plus family are fantastic people plus I prefer their corporation, I hated staying in their house… Over the years I even tried to stay in a hotel just so I could not have to sweat to death the entire time, then my partner’s parents keep their lake beach house so sizzling that I do not think how they can afford food given what they must pay in heating costs, then i hated the fact that I was leaving such perfect weather where both of us live down south to go north plus lay inside a sauna for a week. I could not go outside to assume more comfortable because it was sub zero it felt like, and so after last year, I knew in our heart that it was time for us to change things up. I even started talking to our partner about it on the trip home. The people I was with and I do not have any kids so that is a giant reason why we are the 1s that always have to go up north. But I commanded that since the kids in our partner’s family are all almost grown now, maybe her parents would prefer to come to us for Christmas. To our surprise, her parents were ecstatic with the method plus both of us ended up having just the best time together. Thanks to zone controlled HVAC in our home, her parents did have their own temperature control in their study room so they could keep it as moderate as they liked.