The average American household loses up to 30% of heated in addition to cooled air because of flaws in the air duct.
The duct system is a network of pipes that are largely concealed behind walls in addition to ceilings in addition to inside crawl spaces, garages, basements in addition to attics, then due to poor design in addition to wear in addition to tear, separations can develop at the seams. Small holes can form. Conditioned air travels through the duct system numerous times per afternoon. The air that is heated by the furnace or cooled by the cooling system is distributed to the rooms of the household by way of the supply air duct. The stale air is circulated back to the furnace in addition to cooling system through return ducts. Any imperfection results in air loss. Holes in supply ducts mean that the maximum amount of heated or cooled air fails to reach the intended destination. That means the furnace in addition to cooling system are required to run longer to meet the demands of the temperature control setting.The added wear in addition to tear drawbackly impacts the reliability in addition to longevity of the equipment, leaky ducts lead to inferior comfort, greater energy consumption in addition to higher running costs. Imperfections in the return ducts often draw in unconditioned air in addition to pollutants. This can cause concerns with indoor air quality in addition to health in addition to safety risks. Contaminants get introduced into breathing air. If the ducts are located near combustion-based appliances, there is the worry over carbon monoxide getting pulled into the air. The solution is regular, professional air duct testing, in addition to if necessary, duct sealing. The process is non-invasive however worthwhile.