I’m not sure that my fantastic friend and I might just turn off the heat pump next winter season and rely on a space boiler for our sporadic heating needs.
It’s certainly difficult not to be impressed with the heat pump… But my new neighbors seem to just take the heat pump for granted, then perhaps residing where you need a gas furnace for heating in the winter season makes you that much more aware of the heat pump! It’s amazing to me that I’m getting all my heating and cooling from one machine. I’m new to this area and my only regret is that I didn’t transfer down here earlier, however that might have been a fantastic thing for me to have done. But I’m here now and I’m passionate every minute of this sort of winter. I’m just sorry that it’s already December, but shoot, I could take winter season all year if I could keep this sort of weather. There is just the occasional need for heating in the winter, then and the heat pump is more than up to the job; While the heat pump is need more for cooling, I’ve been super impressed whenever we’ve needed a bit of heating. The heat pump doesn’t even have to run genuinely long to knock the chill out of the house. I’m not sure that my fantastic friend and I might just turn off the heat pump next winter season and rely on a space boiler for our sporadic heating needs. But of course, in a month or two, the heat pump will be encountering it’s tploy foe when the heating and humidity get here. But again, this method of residential HVAC is amazing when it comes to cooling and balancing the level of humidity in the air. I’ve only been down here just over a year however I’m just so impressed with what the heat pump can do.