Like clockwork, I slid in and right out of the home improvement store during Thanksgiving week.
- This is a yearly pilgrimage I make in order to protect my Heating & Air Conditioning equipment for the upcoming Christmas holidays.
I do not get anything else at the hardware store on that trip however Heating & Air Conditioning filters. Thanksgiving week is my signal to get an entire case of Heating & Air Conditioning air filters. I also do the cooking in our home so that means I do the shopping. Perhaps that’s one of the perks of laboring from home. I spend my day laboring at the laptop in the air conditioner of my home. Even though I get to control my schedule it can still get a bit tedious. I like the fact that I’m laboring from home certainly much. So it was no problem for me to snag the Heating & Air Conditioning air filters as I was getting the turkey and all the other great stuff. The reason I have to get an entire case of Heating & Air Conditioning air filters is for the holiday because of one weird reason. Well maybe it’s not that weird however my wifey and I go totally overboard when it comes to candles in the house. My buddy and I have a full collection of them and my great friend and I are adding to them all the time. Our home certainly has more than 70 candles burning during the course of one holiday season. So that’s a lot of candle wax that ends up getting stuck to the Heating & Air Conditioning return and plastered across the Heating & Air Conditioning air filters. Hence, the reason I buy I case of Heating & Air Conditioning air filters. I literally have to change them out just about once a week to keep the Heating & Air Conditioning equipment from unclogged air flow.