Finally we turned to the indoor experts at our HVAC company
It was bad for quite some time. So having great quality indoor air now makes it all the sweeter. But for far too long, it just smelled terrible in our home. We have three boys, two dogs a cat and various gerbils. So there’s no end of odors in the house. When you throw in the fact that I love to experiment with cooking, the house smelled bad. We keep our house pretty sealed up to maximize the HVAC efficiency so that doesn’t help either. My wife and I just started doing whatever we could to try to mask the terrible odors in our home. The first thing we did was try all the deodorizers. The plugins worked for a bit but the odor in our home was far more intense then a plug-in could fix. We even tried scented candles. Again this was effective in adding a great deal of perfumed air over the strong odors. But it never really did anything to alleviate the odors. Finally, we did more than just throw sweet smells at the house. We did a bit of research online to learn how to effectively release a house full of odors. My wife and I are spent many a late night inside the central air conditioning of our home trying to figure out what to do. Finally we turned to the indoor experts at our HVAC company. We learned that to remove the odors we had to remove the bacteria from the air. So now we have a whole home air purification system that does just that.