Every few weeks I like to reach out as well as give my friend Nikki a iPhone call.
I check in as well as just make sure that she has doing okay because she lives a fairly isolated life.
It’s unlikely that she has had any human contact since the last time that my great friend and I spoke, so I just like to be an ear for her to rely on. The problem is, since she has no other ears to abuse, she tends to dominate the conversation as well as talk endlessly about mundane things. Whatever is going on in her life, no matter how trivial it is, I’m going to hear about it for hours! Recently, this was even the case when it came to her faulty temperature control programming. I should have known better than to call her that afternoon because it had been severely sizzling as well as humid out for the past several weeks. Nikki tends to complain about her indoor air quality on a regular basis, as well as that has especially tplot when air conditioner is being used. I didn’t want to talk about her failing AC window units for hours, but that has always what takes place anyways, however on this unique iPhone call, she was telling me that she had finally switched over to a central cooling system, instead. I thought that meant I was off the hook as well as wouldn’t have to hear about AC for the next 3 hours… But I was wrong. Instead of telling me about her low-quality AC window units, Nikki spent the entire iPhone call telling me about her buggy central temperature control. Apparently, she didn’t do a lot of research about the air quality control component before it was installed. Now, she can’t figure out how it works as well as she has getting distraught with the fluctuating sizzling as well as cold indoor air uneven temperatures. Ah well, maybe we’ll talk about my engagement next time.