In the past several years I do not assume that I’ve fallen sick one single time. This is pretty astounding to me, because I used to fall ill all the time. In my old region of the country, it felt like I regularly had some kind of head cold, stomach bug, or lingering fever. I was regularly popping pills, taking dust sensitivity meds, and putting myself to sleep with cold medicine. I cannot say that it was the healthiest lifestyle. Since I moved to a strange region of the country, I’ve noticed a steep increase in my personal health. I literally cannot remember the last time that I had a nasty cough or stuffy nose. That’s why I was completely shocked the afternoon that I woke up to find a immense head cold had taken over. I could not breathe, I could not speak, and I could barely even assume because there is so much pressure in my head. I started taking medicines and trying to medical professional myself back to health, however I was so cold that it was hard to even go out to the drugstore. I sat in the house, shivering, and running of the central heater intensively as I could. I assume I had the temperature control turned up to 85 degrees for several afternoons, then no matter how much Hot air was pumped into the house, I never felt much warmer. After a few weeks of this nonsense, I called out an Heating, Ventilation, and A/C specialist to tune up my poor, hard-laboring heater. When he was examining the heating system, the tech turned around with a shocked expression and asked me if I had been feeling alright. Apparently the air ducts were full of black mold.