Every summer time my child complaints about the heat in his room, even though it’s cooled to the same temperature as the rest of the dwelling with the air conditioning system from his vents, so last summer time my associate and I decided to get an AC component to put in his window, and you see, my associate and I don’t have Heating plus Air Conditioning zone control so simply let him adjust the temperature control within his own room, plus this was a better alternative than paying to replace our entire Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment. And so I installed the AC component in his window plus instructed him about how it worked. There were a couple rules he had to follow to use it, plus he agreed to all of them, but rule number one was that the air conditioning system was not to be left on when he wasn’t in the room, needlessly running up our electricity bill. Rule number two was that it was never allowed to be set below 72 degrees for a similar reason, lastly, rule number three was that he was responsible for rinsing the filter out every other week to ensure dirt plus grime weren’t clogging it up plus ruining the unit. I assumed I would have to get onto him a couple times about following the rules even though he surprisingly surpassed my expectations. He remember to turn the air conditioning system off when he left his room, he never set the AC’s temperature below 72, plus he rinsed the filter out like he was supposed to without being told. I still don’t see why it should have been necessary, his room was cooled down along with the rest of the dwelling with the normal Heating plus Air Conditioning system, but I’m proud he’s shown such responsibility with it.