I have an older home that presents a challenge for heating as well as cooling; The residence lacks conventional air duct, making centralized heating as well as a/c just about impossible.
The walls as well as ceilings are the original plaster as well as lathe, and my pal and I were unwilling to tackle the big project of breaking them down! Not only would this have created a big mess as well as cost us a fortune, however it would have destroyed the historical integrity of the residence. Trying to get by with an assortment of baseboard heaters, window A/Cs as well as electric fans was frustrating, but our home felt hot in the Summer as well as cold in the winter. The combination of portable heating as well as cooling equipment looked ugly… I started looking for an alternative as well as came across high-velocity heating as well as cooling, however designed to retrofit into older homes exactly like ours, the genius of the system is the mini-ducts… A network of bendy pipes only two-inches in diameter are able to be threaded through the walls around plumbing pipes, studs as well as electrical outlets. The replacement doesn’t cause detriment or require major remodeling. The mini-ducts connect to circular-shaped vents that are only six-inches in diameter as well as offer versatility of location. The heating/cooling equipment is so compact that it can be installed into a closet or the attic. The operation uses a process of aspiration, delivering conditioned air into the rooms of the home at such a high rate of speed that it creates a slight suction. Old as well as modern air mixes abruptly to hastily raise or lower room temperature. Insulated ducts, shorter run times as well as smaller ducts adds up to exceptional energy efficiency. Our home is so much more comfortable because of the high-velocity heating as well as cooling system.