Over the last year, I’ve started to have issues with leg cramps.
- While I might notice a bit of tenderness in my calves during the day, the problems worsen at night.
When I go to bed, the muscles tend to seize up and cramp. The pain is excruciating. I am then forced to get out of bed and stretch. I’ve tried over-the-counter pain medicine and pain-alleviating ointments. I sometimes need to sleep with heating pads wrapped around my legs. The leg cramps are most likely caused by overworking the muscles. I workout for approximately an hour every day. My exercise sessions are strenuous. Because I’m hoping to burn as many calories as possible, I include a great deal of high-intensity aerobics. I sometimes go for an eight-mile jog or run wind sprints. I like to cycle and jump rope. I do jumping jacks, squats, lunges, mountain climbers and burpees. The majority of the exercises utilize the various leg muscles. I now make sure to spend more time on my warm up and cool down. I have become more focused on proper stretching. I take at least one day a week where I allow the leg muscles to rest. For those exercise sessions, I might lift free weights, use the battle ropes, toss a medicine ball or work with resistance bands. I concentrate on all different types of abdominal crunches and do push-ups and plank holds. I’ve read that a lack of proper hydration can also contribute to leg cramps. I bought myself a much larger water bottle and now make a point to drink a lot more water before, during and after the workout.