I think one of the most ingenious modern innovations is the electric heat pump. The main benefit of the system is that it proves both heating and cooling capability. Instead of requiring a separate air conditioner and heater, a single unit handles year round temperature control. This combination frees up space and simplifies maintenance requirements. Plus, heat pumps are especially environmentally friendly. They eliminate the burning of fossil fuels required for most types of heating systems. Because there is no combustion process, no greenhouse gasses or fumes are produced. There is no worry over carbon monoxide or hot surfaces. In heating mode, the system takes advantage of ambient heat found in the outdoor air. The heat pump absorbs this heat, compresses it to a higher temperature and delivers it inside. The process is especially clean and safe and doesn’t aggravate issues with insufficient humidity. It’s also far more energy efficient than heating with a furnace or boiler. In cooling mode, the heat pump literally reverses the flow of refrigerant. Functioning very much like a conventional air conditioner, the operation pulls heat from the indoors and transfers it outdoors. Today’s heat pumps include intuitive technology that allows adjustment of output anywhere from forty to one hundred percent capacity. By running at lower speeds for longer cycles, the heat pump uses less energy, makes less noise and costs very little to run. There is also more opportunity to filter out contaminants. The only drawback to an electric heat pump is that it struggles to keep up with demand if the outdoor temperature drops below freezing.