My particular pets love my Heating and Air Conditioning units more than I ever could! I have several unusual pets, and some of them are particularly particular , however first there is my bobcat that loves my window air conditioning.
I guess it is so cute when my bobcat cuddles up in front of the window air conditioning and sleeps, then he just loves everything about the window air conditioning, including the sound it makes! Next there is my zebra, and yes, I have a pet zebra… My zebra loves my central air conditioning component so much that I have to lock her in the stall when the Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman comes to service my air conditioning or else she would push him away from the air conditioning.
I know that my zebra loves my central air conditioning because she will saunter far from the air conditioning! When she gets frightened she will get legitimately close to the central air conditioning because for some reason it gives her a feeling of security. Next is my pet reindeer. My reindeer undoubtedly loves my Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman. Whenever my furnace, air conditioning, or air purification system breaks down and I have to call my Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman, my reindeer gets so excited… As soon as the Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman pulls into the driveway, the reindeer runs to the edge of the fence and waits for the Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman to come and pet him and give him treats. As much as I love my central air conditioning, furnace, and air purification systems, I guess that the love that my creatures have for Heating and Air Conditioning units outweighs mine.